
Double Trouble Издательство: Headline Мягкая обложка, 372 стр ISBN 0-7472-5638-1 Формат: 84x104/32 (~220x240 мм) инфо 376g.

Katharine Sexton is one of the country's most famous TV presenters She's shocked when her prickly daughter Abbie is hired to front a rival chat show at the same time and on the same night Their warring netwoаужэпrks will stop at nothing to win the ratings battle and Abbie now sees her mother not as nurturer but as rival The public feud between them is exacerbated when they discover that they have been having an affair with the same lover Can two intelligent, strong-minded woбдаплmen resolve the conflict between ambition and love? No one who has ever experienced family fall-outs could fail to understand their dilemma Авторы Вэл Корбет Val Corbett Джоус Хопкирк Joyce Hopkirk Ив Полард Eve Pollard.